Azaranica is a non-biased news aggregator on Hazaras. The main aim is to promote understanding and respect for cultural identities by highlighting the realities they face on daily basis...Hazaras have been the victim of active persecution and discrimination and one of the reasons among many has been the lack of information, awareness, and disinformation.

Friday, May 6, 2011

CM grieved over loss of life in Hazara Town

QUETTA , Baluchistan Chief Minister Nawab Aslam Raisani condemning act of terrorism in Hazara Town here Friday has expressed heart felt sorrow and grief.

Chief Minister said here today that targeting innocent people is a cowardice and cruel act and directed for mobilsing all resources for arrest of terrorists. He said shedding blood of innocent people is extremely dirty act and elements involve din such acts deserve no leniency. Neither would they be forgiven by AllahAlmighty now they would escape the law. Expressing sympathy with relatives of those killed Chief Minister assured them that killers of their beloved would be brought to the law they should not leave patience. Chief Minister said that injured would be provided best possible medical facilities and all expenses would be borne by provincial government and directives have been issued to Health Department in this regard. Chief Minister prayed for those killed in terrorist act and early recovery of injured persons.


Traders, political parties announce support for shutter down strike today

QUETTA: Various political parties and trade organizations terming the killing of innocent people as against humanity have announced their support for complete shutter down strike on Saturday in Quetta.

The shutter down strike is being observed against the inhuman incidents of rocket attack and firing that took six innocent lives while 15 got injured on Friday on the call of Pakhtoonkhwa Awami Milli Party.

Central Vice President of Jamhuri Watan Party (JWP) Hajji Ashraf Kakar has said that the law and order situation in the province has become worst.

Terrorists are massacring innocent masses on daily basis through firing and bomb blasts but our government is not taking any practical measures against them.

Condemning the deaths of 6 people that died in rocket attack on Friday he said the government has failed to maintain law and order situation. He demanded the establishment of governor Rule in the province along with the arrest of responsible miscreants of this incident.

He expressed condolence to the hires of dead people and prayed for the health of injured.

The Central Vice President of Tehrik-e-Insaf Qazi Shahid, and the President of Tehrik-e-Insaf Youth Wing Khaliq Dad Noorzai also expressed their grievance on Friday’s incidents.

The President of ISF Sharif said that government has failed to maintain its writ in the province. The federal and provincial governments have failed to maintain law and order in the country they do not have any right to rule the country when they can not protect the common people from terrorists.

He appealed to the traders, political parties and masses to actively participate in the call for complete shutter down strike on Saturday and that they should close their shops in order to avoid any unfortunate incident in the province.

Central Additional Secretary General Hajji Nasib Ullah of Pakistan Muslim League PML (Q), Quetta City Co-coordinator Allow-Ud-Deen Kakar of Pakistan Muslim League (N), and Provincial leaders of PML (N) Shair Khan Nasir, Allah Dad Baraich, Raheem Kakar, Liqat Lehri and Mir Usman Parkani also condemned the attack.

The chairman of Khalji National Union International Nawab Salman Khalji, Central President Sardar Rooh Ullah Khalji had also condemned the incidents.


US embassy condemns killings in Quetta

ISLAMABAD, May 6 (APP): The United States Embassy in Pakistan strongly deplored Friday’s indiscriminate attack in Quetta, which killed eight innocent people and injured many others.In a statement, a US embassy Spokesman said, “Our thoughts and sympathies are with the victims and their families. The senseless killing of innocent civilians is an affront to the people of Pakistan and to all humanity.”

The Spokesman said this attack underscores the threat that terrorism poses to Pakistan and all nations of the world.
“All must stand together in common purpose and take resolute action to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat terrorist organizations,” he added.


I want to work for Pakistan before moving to the west: Mohsin Ali

8 killed in Quetta rocket attack

کوئٹہ: پارک میں حملہ، چھ ہلاک

پولیس نے اس واقعہ کو فرقہ وارانہ دھشت گردی قرار دیا ہے

بلوچستان کے دارالحکومت کوئٹہ میں نامعلوم افراد کی جانب سے فائرنگ اور راکٹوں کے ایک حملے میں چھ افراد ہلاک اور دس زخمی ہوگئے ہیں۔

زخمیوں میں سے بعض کی حالت تشویشناک ہے۔

کوئٹہ سے بی بی سی کے نامہ نگار ایوب ترین کے مطابق جمعہ کی صبح تقریباً ساڑے چھ بجے کوئٹہ کےمغربی بائی پاس کے قریب ہزارہ ٹاؤن میں واقع ایک گراؤنڈ پر اس وقت نامعلوم افراد نے راکٹ اور کلاشنکوف سے فائرنگ کی جب وہاں لوگوں کی ایک بڑی تعداد صبح کی سیر کرنے کے علاوہ فٹ بال اور کرکٹ کے کھیل میں مصروف تھی۔

اس فائرنگ سے چھ افراد ہلاک اور دس زخمی ہوگئے جنہیں فوری طور پر بولان میڈیکل کمپلیکس اور سی ایم ایچ منتقل کیا گیا جہاں ڈاکٹروں نے بعض زخمیوں کی حالت تشویشناک بتائی ہے۔

بولان میڈیکل کمپلیکس میں ہلاک اور زخمی ہونے والوں کے رشتہ داروں نے ڈاکٹروں کی غیر موجودگی پر بھی احتجاج کیا ہے۔

عینی شاہدین کے مطابق تین گاڑیوں میں سوار مسلح افراد نے وہاں آ کر گراؤنڈ میں موجود افراد پر پہلے تین راکٹ فائرکیے بعد میں کلاشنکوفوں سے اندھادند فائرنگ کی جس کے باعث جانی نقصان زیادہ ہوا ہے۔

پولیس کے مطابق واقعہ میں ہلاک ہونے والوں میں سے زیادہ تر کا تعلق شیعہ مسلک سے ہے جبکہ کالعدم تنظیم لشکرِ جھنگوی نے اس حملے کی ذمہ داری قبول کر لی ہے۔

پولیس نے اس واقعہ کو فرقہ وارانہ دہشتگردی قرار دے کر نامعلوم افراد کے خلاف مقدمہ درج کر کے ان کی کی تلاش شروع کر دی ہے۔

واقعہ کے خلاف مشتعل مظاہرین نے کوئٹہ کے مغربی بائی پاس روڈ احتجاجاً بند کر کے مطالبہ کیا ہے کہ واقعہ میں ملوث افراد کو فوری طور پرگرفتار کیا جائے، تاہم بعد میں پولیس اور سیکورٹی فورسز کی بھاری نفری نے موقع پر پہنچ کر مظاہرین سے مذاکرات کیے اور راستہ بحال کروایا۔


8 killed in rocket attack in Quetta, SW Pakistan

12:06, May 06, 2011

At least eight people were killed early Friday morning as unknown militants fired rockets at the people doing exercises at a soccer ground in the Hazara town of Quetta, a capital city of Balochistan province in southwest Pakistan, reported local English TV channel Express.

According to the local media reports, the attack took place at about 7:00 a.m. local time when six to eight unknown militants riding in two cars attacked the people who were doing morning exercises in a soccer ground in the city.

The militants first fired indiscriminately at the people in the ground, then fired three rockets at them, said eyewitnesses.

The attackers fled the scene after a brief fire exchange with the police. Police have cordoned off the area and the dead and injured have been shifted to nearby hospital.

Hospital sources said that some of the injured were in critical condition and the death toll could further rise.

Friday morning's incident is the third terrorist attack reported in Pakistan since the killing of the al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden in the country's northwest city of Abbottabad in an early Monday morning's operation conducted by the U.S. special task force. Pakistan Taliban (TTP) vowed to avenge the killing of bin Laden by threatening terrorist attacks in the country.

On Thursday evening, the police in the country's northwestern Dera Ismail Khan district foiled an attempt by two suicide bombers to attack a checkpoint in the district. Police fired at the two suicide bombers before they reached the checkpoint in a car laden with an estimated 120 kg of explosives. The firing caused a huge blast of the car which killed the two men inside right on the spot.

On Monday afternoon, immediately following the killing of Osama bin Laden, a blast in a mosque in the city of Charsadda in northwestern Pakistan killed four people and injured 11 others as most of them were police or police family members as the mosque is close to a police station in the city.

Source: Xinhua